How To View Recently Updated Apps In Windows 10

Users do not need to update their programs manually since Windows 10/11 automatically and in the background updates apps that have been installed from the Store by default.

Because users are not required to take any action in order for applications to receive updates, consumers are not aware of which apps have just received an update.

You might wish to check if an app has received an update since you last used it at some point. For instance, if an application does not function as expected, you might want to check to see whether it has received any recent updates.

There are two ways to browse recently updated programs in Windows 10, as well as Windows 11. The Microsoft Store and the Settings app both provide us with the ability to view the most recent app updates.

Use Windows 10 Settings to view a list of recently updated applications.

The Settings app, in addition to the Store app, is able to assist you in seeing recently updated applications. This technique has several advantages than using the Store, the most notable one being that the Settings app includes all programs, even apps that were downloaded via the internet. You may get browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox from this location, for instance. In order to make it simple for you to keep track of when the Chrome browser was last updated.

First, launch the Settings app by searching for it or using the Windows key plus the letter I on your keyboard.

Step 2: Navigate to the Apps > Apps & features page on your Windows 10 device. When using Windows 11, get to the Installed applications page by going to the Apps menu.

Step 3: Once you are on that screen, pick Install date/Date installed from the drop-down menu that is located next to the Sort by option in order to view all of the applications that have recently been updated. It is important to keep in mind that Windows 10/11 will sort programs based on their updated dates even if you want to arrange them by their date of installation.

In Windows 10 you may view recently updated apps by going to the Microsoft Store.

NOTE: This technique only displays applications that were downloaded from the Microsoft Store and subsequently updated. Apps that were downloaded and installed from a source other than the Store are not listed here.

Launch the Microsoft Store app as the first step.

Step 2: In the left pane, click the symbol that looks like a library (refer to the picture below).

Step 3: The area for Updates and Downloads may be found on the website for the Library. Make sure that the Apps option is chosen underneath that, and then click the Sort by date button to see all of the most recently updated apps.

The picture clearly demonstrates that the app for the Store organizes the list of apps based on the most recent time they were amended or updated.

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